We are glad you are considering membership of NLBC.

There are 5 important steps:

1. You need to be a Christian. This means you have trusted in Jesus death, burial, and resurrection for your forgiveness of sins and acceptance with God. 

2. You need to have be baptized by immersion. Baptism is a public declaration that you are a follower of Jesus. In being baptized you identify with and symbolize with Jesus death, burial and resurrection. 

3. You need to read and agree with the Constitution of NLBC. The Constitution is made of a few parts - Who we are, What we believe, How our church works - Your commitment as a church member. 

4. You need to watch the video series -  I am a Church Member by Thom Rainer. Link provided below. 

5. You need to meet with a Pastor of NLBC to discuss membership.

I Am A Church Member was created as an online tool  by Thom Rainer. The video series will help you focus on biblical church membership. It will help you be all that God wants you to be as a church member. 

Join the video series here.